Patterns $7.50 each - PPD in US
Three patterns for $21.00



7 1/2" Easter Bunny & Carrot Gift box template


#111 Spring Delights
3 1/2" Egg chick, 3" Lamb,
5 1/2" Bunny gift box template

#110 Snow Angel & Angel gift box template
5 1/2" Snow Angel & 4" Angel gift box

#104 Chilly
6 1/2" penguin

#103 1st Thanksgiving
9" to top of feather

#101 Hoppy & Peep
6" Bunny & 4 1/2" Chick

#102 Cowboy Snowman
8 1/4" Snowman 


#3 Snow Friends
7" Snowman & 2" Bird

#99 Sugar Cookie Angel
6 1/2 " Cookie Angel


#98 Snowman Angel & Baby
7 1/2" & 3 3/4" Snowmen.

#96 Snow Deer
7" Snowman


#95 Blessings
7 1/2" Snow Angel

#97 Happy Spring
8" Bunny to top of head


#100 Sweatshirt Poncho
23 1/2" from neck edge to hem

#45 Holiday Gifts
5" Snowman Bag & 5"X7" Photo Album Cover


#93 Live Outrageously
7" Snowlady

#36 Helping Hand
8 1/4 " Gingerbread Girl


#90 Scarecrow Snowman
8" Snowman

#88 Snow Bunny
10" Bunny To Top Of Hat


#23 Bewitched
10" Witch To Top Of Hat

#89 Soft Landing
8" Snowman


#92 It's Snowing
8" snowman

#91 Chris Mouse
7 1/2" to top of hat


#59 Easter Bunny
7" Bunny to top of head

#52 Chocolate Bunnies
7 3/4" & 6 3/4" bunnies


#11 Sweets
8" Snowman

#87 Singing Snowmen
8 1/2" Snowmen


#76 Be Thankful
7" Snowman

#86 Santa Snowman
9" Snowman


#35 Ginger
8 1/2" gingerbread girl

#84 Quiet As A Mouse
7 3/4" Snowman with mouse   


#21 Thomas Turkey
19" Turkey

#85 Ooops
8 1/2" snowman


#44 North Pole Friends

#80 Christmas Program
7 1/2" Snowman


#81 Behold
10 1/2" Snowman

#82 Hand In Hand
8" Snowman


#83 United We Stand
8 1/2" Snowman

#34 Angel Tree Toppers
7 3/4" Angels


#75 Heaven Sent
10" Tree topper or standing Angel

#73 Give Thanks
9" Snowman


#72 BOO
8 1/2" Snowman

#61 Trick Or Treat
10 3/4" Snowman


#60 Snowball
7" Snowman

#7 Sammy Snowman
9" Snowman


#15 Santa's Little Helper
6" Snowman

#79 Lunch Time
9 1/2" Snowman


#58 Lambie Pie
7" Bunny (to top of head)

#22 Ghostly Trio
8 1/4" Ghost, Cat, Pumpkin


#5 Be Mine
7" Snowman
#12 Little Angel & Star Gazer
4 1/2" snowmen


#31 Gingerbread Angel
7 1/4"  angel

#32 Gingerbread Chef
8" Gingerbread Boy


#53 Rosy
5" Bunny

#33 Let's Bake
8" gingerbread girl


#51 Egghunt
10" Bunny


#56 Easter Fun
9" Bunny

#63 Let It Snow
6 1/4" Snowman


#64 Let's Ski
7 1/2" Snowman

#65 Christmas Trees 4 Sale
9" Snowman


#66 Wishes
6 1/4" Snowman

#67 Hugs & Kisses
5" Snowmen


#69 Happy
13" Snowman made on a cone so it can stand or be a tree topper

#70 Flag Day
8 1/2" Snowman


#71 Welcome Friends
8 3/4" Snowman

#74 Christmas Elf
8" Snowman


#77 Christmas Joy
7" Snowman

#78 Feed The Deer
10" Snowman


#1 Spring Bunnies
8 3/4" & 5 1/2" Bunnies

#4 It's Christmas Time
5 3/4", 4", & 3 3/4" Snowmen


#6 Learning To Skate
5" Snowman

#9 Cuddles
11" Snowman


#13 Holiday Hang Ups
4 1/2" Ornaments

#43 Star Santa
9" Santa